Earn As You Learn
The Wheeler Creek CDC “Earn As You Learn” initiative offers incentives to young offenders (18-24), referred by CSOSA, who lack a high school diploma or a GED to participate in a 26-week educational process that will improve educational functioning and lead to attainment of a GED or High School Diploma and/or transition to on-going educational activities, workforce readiness training or employment. The goals of the Earn As You Learn Initiative are to:
Create enhanced educational opportunities
Create opportunities for academic enrichment
Increase the chance for young adults and employers to become involved with their community
Increase opportunities and training for workforce readiness
Increase financial literacy and planning
Provide leadership development education
Provide incentives for savings and the accumulation of assets
Connect young adults to caring professionals, tutors and mentoring support
The program was offered in partnership with Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia (CSOSA).
WC Community Association Management
The Association collectively represents the interest of homeowners and renters residing at Wheeler Creek Estates to ensure that your community remains strong, clean, and most importantly, a place of pride for all residents to enjoy.
Financial Literacy
To aid the participants in becoming economically stability, financial literacy training is provided. This process consists of several intensive workshops and monthly monitoring of the participants money management skills, savings plans, and debt management. Workshops topics cover credit and debt, basic banking, asset creation (wealth building).
Health and Social
Routinely, through personal interview, the case managers assessed the health and social needs of its participants and recommended actions to be taken, made referrals to health and other social service providers. WCCDC has established a HIV and Substance Abuse Awareness Programs, a Community Neighborhood Watch Program, Healthy Life Styles Program, and provided representation and advocacy services for residents..Instead of dieting, women should focus on becoming healthier instead, contend experts. They said it is possible to be fat and fit and that restrictive diets do not work.A recent study showed that after 12 weeks of exercise and guidance on eating patterns, a group of morbidly obese women were healthier even though they had not lost weight. That’s right. The women’s blood pressure and cholesterol levels improved as did their psychological well-being. Healthy Lifestyles was created to combat this sweeping issue. Though the program focus was on female heads of households, all residents were encouraged to participate in the free 8-week program. Established in 2008, the program provided participates with exercise techniques as well as healthy eating practices. Both women and men who have participated in the program have found the program to helpful in jump starting their individual healthy lifestyle program.
Youth Services
Provided academic support and personal guidance through values clarification, mentoring, and wholesome recreation activities to help children in the community to become academically successful, socially responsivle, and physically fit. Provided an educational environment where children could work to improve their academic levels without the pressures of the classroom. Created an atmosphere that encouraged children to understand that their potential is limitless. Promoted effective intergenerational communication and interpersonal relationships. Fostered youth leadership through a series of activities and workshops. Provided peer-to-peer counseling & tutorial services. Established wholesome recreational activities for the neighborhood youth. Builds self-esteem through values clarification activities and workshops. Collaborated with the schools in community to improve educational opportunities.